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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Salvage by Jane Kotapish

Salvage, by Jane Kotapish, follows the life of an unnamed woman in her thirties as she struggles with her past and its impact on her life. She has just moved back to rural Virginia after witnessing a horrific accident in Manhattan. The story moves backward and forward in time frequently, slowly revealing the sense of mystery and the ghosts of the past that haunt this young woman.

Kotapish weaves her tale with brilliant images and exquisite, honest, and poetic lines. She explores the teetering gray line that separates reality from illusion through the main character and relationship with her mother. This story is light on plot. If you need a plot driven story, this isn’t for you. However, if you appreciate writing that allows you to truly feel your way into a character’s life, you’ll be amazed. You'll come across lines like, “I love testing out cuss words on Nancy. They hold no weight, garner no reaction, so I can mouth the uncomfortable, fraught words like dented coins between my teeth, swirl them around and spit them out at random.”

There is a great deal of pain in this book, but it is humorous and beautiful enough to keep the reader going and hoping for the main character’s future. This is one I'll read again simply for the gorgeous writing. - Reviewed by Cassandra

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